katnip.model.low_level.scapy module

class katnip.model.low_level.scapy.ScapyField(value, encoder=<kitty.model.low_level.encoder.StrEncoder object>, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_count=1000, seed=1024)

Bases: kitty.model.low_level.field.BaseField

Wrap a fuzzed scapy.packet.Packet object as a kitty field. Since the fuzzing parameters can be configured by the fuzz function of Scapy, this field assumes that the fuzz function was already called on the given field

from scapy.all import *
tcp_packet = IP()/TCP()
field = ScapyField(value=fuzz(tcp_packet), name='tcp packet', fuzz_count=50, seed=1000)
__init__(value, encoder=<kitty.model.low_level.encoder.StrEncoder object>, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_count=1000, seed=1024)
  • value – scapy_packet_class
  • encoder (ENC_STR_DEFAULT) – encoder for the field
  • fuzzable – is field fuzzable (default: True)
  • name – name of the object (default: None)
  • fuzz_count – fuzz count (default: 1000)
  • seed – random seed (default: 1024)
Returns:number of mutations this field will perform